—   Lesson series

Nutrizione e Sport Corso Avanzato

SportEducated insieme con MaxSpini ha creato il corso di Nutrizione e Sport. Grazie a questo corso imparerai le tecniche avanzate per raggiungere performance straordinarie. Ti daremo gli strumenti per conoscere e saper giudicare la bontà di ciò che porti in tavola ogni giorno e crearti così la tua dieta personalizzata.
  • 68 learners

  • 4 hours

    Video duration
  • 27 hours

    Course duration
  • 4 ebooks

    Free of charge




    —   About me

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    Sue Porter is a Certified Life Coach. Her holistic approach brings clarity, direction, and positive support for her clients. Sue helps clients live their best life, by filling the gap between where they are now, and where they want to be. By identifying where growth is desired, setting goals and objectives, and holding accountability, clients will reach their highest goals and dreams.
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